So, how have things been going for this former skeptic after a year of experience? Pretty darn good! The feedback from my "patients" has been positive. Symptoms don't always seem to disappear straight away... which is to be expected when you consider that this form of healing is meant to work on the cause of the symptoms, rather than just provide the quick symptom-masking "band-aid" solutions that people have learnt to expect from pharmaceutical options. But, they have definitely been found to reduce or disappear faster than previous experience has shown.

There are plenty of skeptics still out there, and the multitude of misinformation and poorly-researched articles citing limited or skewed research studies, can get a little overwhelming. I get it. I really do. The initial global spread of Reiki without a form of universal regulation or licensing, meant that much has changed since its origin in Japan... and these modified Western forms make up 90% of the world's practice. Elements have been added. Elements have been lost. Achieving certain levels of practice with some methods are easier and cheaper than for others and, in some methods, practitioners have even been able to achieve a level of "Master" without ever treating a person! So, I get it... I understand why, when these are your only frames of reference, and there have been so few decent research studies made, you would be a skeptic. But I digress - this is fodder for another post, another time...
Thankfully, I have found a great teacher, and a wonderful form of Reiki in the Jikiden method - a Japanese form of Usui Reiki in its original simplicity, and strongly regulated to maintain its practices from practitioner to practitioner. After a good year of practice and experience, I am looking forward to taking my next course and expanding my Reiki skills further. :-)