Monday, July 28, 2014

My First Success - Fixing a Child's Sleep Routine

I was amazed at how fast after training I was able to put my new Reiki skills to use and see results... in fact, my first success was the very first day after my course!

The prime reason I begin to learn Reiki was to help my eldest daughter with a few medical issues, and since these issues are chronic ones, I hadn't expected to see any change in her straight away. This is normal. You see, Reiki is not a quick "Band-Aid solution" - it is something that helps the root of an issue, rather than being a quick fix to mask the symptoms. Our society is constantly in a rush, and we typically take any solution that will work the fastest. However, in our rush to return to normal as fast as possible, we rarely address the actual cause. Knowing this, I expected a couple of treatments before my first problem was fixed... this was actually not the case...

My daughter was suffering from a dreadful break in her sleep patterns that was affecting her behaviour as a whole. Normally, both of my kids are in bed by 7.30pm, and usually asleep by 8.30 at the latest (especially during the school week). However, for no apparent reason, my eldest could not get to sleep before at least 11pm (some nights much later), and would repeatedly wake throughout the night. This had been the case for a good couple of weeks, and we had tried everything.

So, fresh from my course (and armed with "the spot" to work on, thanks to a chat with my Shihan, Jan) I gave Minion #1 her first treatment. That night she was asleep by 9.30pm and stayed asleep all night! I continued to treat her every day that week and the erratic sleep pattern did not return. I was impressed (and relieved to finally get some sleep back myself!!). I officially call that success number 1!

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