Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Treating a Squirmy Kid!

My crazy youngest minion...
I primarily learned reiki to treat my older child. Of course, that doesn't mean I won't be using the techniques on my younger minion, but up to now (thankfully... touch wood) I haven't really had the need... and to be brutally honest neither her nor I have had the patience to even attempt it. You see, she is just 5 years old and quite a squirmy, energetic fidget!

This week, she caught a cold with a bit of an annoying cough - nothing major...just the usual kind of thing you see in the autumn - but it was causing her (and us!) some issues at night. We had already tried the usual remedies through 2 nights of disturbed sleep ... kid's cough syrup, vapo-rub, pillow drops, water, homeopathic drops... and weren't overly thrilled with the weak results.

Night 3 came, and the cough was ramping up for yet another evening of fun. It was almost bedtime and as I was finishing up one of her sister's regular little reiki sessions, I thought "what the heck... let's give the little one a go!". Using the TV for some distraction, I managed to keep her moderately still for 20 minutes, while I worked on her head and bronchi/lung areas. In fact, I only had to endure a few "are we done yet?" whinings around the 17/18 minute mark. Success!

That evening, she slept straight through the night with no cough interruptions... and that was with no other remedies to help. I call that a double success!

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